Bicycle Touring Club of North Jersey

Reset Password

Enter the email address you use to sign-in to the BTCNJ website.

Your password will be reset and you will receive an email with the new passwrd.

Only the password in the that email will work. Your old password will no longer be valid.

Possible issues: If you don't get the email in 5 or so minutes, check your spam folder for mail from the BTCNJ webmaster. Spam might not get to your mobile device (You might need to use a browser to connect to your email provider). Note that some email services might block emails from (that's not something we can do anything about). You won't get the email if you unsubcribed from club emails. It's fairly common that people don't use the EXACT password in the email. No other password will work (so don't keep using other passwords).
Important: if you don't get the email (fairly quickly), don't keep using this reset option. Things won't magically start to work and you'll just get confused. Any issue is most-likely one of the ones described earlier. The password you use must be the EXACT one in the email sent after you use this. No other password will work. Any problems you have are not likely to be this website. If you still have issues, email the webmaster.

Password reset request

I do not have access to my account email.